The BSIR is regulated by a constitution, click here to view.  Amendments to this constitution can only be made by a vote at the Annual General Meeting of the society which is open to all members of the society. 

The executive committee of the society is the BSIR Council who work to support the aims expressed in the constitution and develop strategic objectives for the society which are annually reviewed.  Day to day decisions are taken by the BSIR Executive Officers; the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.

You can find out more about the Executive Officers and Staff team on these pages:


The BSIR structure


 Executive Committee 

 BSIR Executive Officers

 President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Past President 

 Full Council

 BSIR Executive Officers and Chair of each Committee

 BSIR Team

 Chief Executive Officer

 Director of Operations

 Events & Communications Officer

 Society Committees

 Education & Training




 Scientific Programme


 Audit & Quality




Equality, Diversity & Inclusivity (EDI)

Special Interest Committees



Nurses & Radiographers




Interventional Oncology






Vascular Anomalies


UNITE Research Collaborative