BSIR Nurses & Radiographers
Welcome to the BSIR Nurses and Radiographers section of the website, where we provide information of specific interests to IR Nurses and Radiographers, and those who may be interested in a career as an IR Nurse or Radiographer.
Please navigate the blocks below to the section you require. Some contents may be limited to members only - details of how you can become a member are available below.
BSIR Nurses & Radiographers Committee
The members of the BSIR Nurses & Radiographers Committee.
BSIR Nurses & Radiographers Membership
Details of how you can become a BSIR Nurse & Radiographer Member.
BSIR Nurses & Radiographers Educational Resources
Educational Resources for BSIRNR Members.
BSIR Nurses & Radiographers Interviews
Enjoy Interviews from our BSIR Nurses & Radiographers Members